Car Haul
Transporting single or multiple vehicles:
- Auto auctions to auto dealerships
- Car rental companies to dealerships or businesses
- Auto dealerships to auto auctions
- Auto dealerships to individuals
- Individuals to individuals
- Business to business
Transporting single or multiple vehicles:
- Purchased from E-Bay
- Purchased from automobile dealerships
- Inner-family moves
- Military moves –
discounts for military personnel

Inland Freight Transport
Express Trucking is a Dedicated Premium Cargo Freight Service with Expedited Trucks & Vans operating in the US. Our Express Trucking Division and Hot Shot Delivery services door to door throughout North America. We know the business and the requirements to get the job done right now. Let our Express Trucking team deliver your most critical freight with reliable, secure, and on time freight solutions 24/7/365.
SJTAL shipments typically weigh between 100 and 10,000lbs. Your shipment will be expedited directly to its final destination without being transferred through endless break-bulk stations, faster transit times, eliminating damages.
The delivery of requested logistics support at a time and destination specified by the receiving activity.
We offer an array of expedited transportation options to meet your product to market need:

Interstate Trucking
Express Trucking is a Dedicated Premium Cargo Freight Service with Expedited Trucks & Vans operating in the US and Canada. Our Express Trucking Division of SJ Trucking and Logistic provides Expedited Trucking and Hot Shot Delivery services door to door throughout North America. We know the business and the requirements to get the job done right now. Let our Express Trucking team deliver your most critical freight with reliable, secure, and on time freight solutions 24/7/365.
Moving Services
In the business of Urgent Freight Shipments that must arrive the very Next Day, we get it done. While many companies provide Overnight Services, Overnight Freight Services ensure that your freight arrives the very next day after they are shipped. Our Delivery Management Systems and Logistics Technologies play a vital role in ensuring materials arrive when clients demand.The Next Day Freight service provided by Amazon Logistic is here to provide Expedited Delivery for those important materials that just can’t wait.

Ocean Transport
- Transporting single or multiple containers
- Purchased from nationwide internet sales
- To and from residence to warehouse
- Purchase Containers from us.
- Booking containers from us 24/7
- Transporting container from your residence ,warehouse, auctions, dealerships, individuals to the ports.
Your Agent For Local Shipment
We offer a full truckload product serving the entire United States. This includes Palletized Product, Containerized Product, Bulk Liquid Management, or Temperature Controlled Distribution.
On time and efficient with a true respect for the environment, SJ Trucking will provide top quality service that will meet your requirements and lend a hand in safeguarding the environment.
Special Equipment is available providing you a full range of Commodity Transport Options including Flat Beds, Refrigerated Units, Roller Beds and Step Decks.
SJ Trucking and Logistics is your single source solution for your expedited truckload shipment. Call us on Phone: 240 233 8951 or